Thursday, May 29, 2008

Video: Boards of Canada- Dayvan Cowboy

While I'm not the biggest fan of The Campfire Headphase album (it skirts too closely to easy listening/new age for my taste), I do love 'Dayvan Cowboy.' I've always felt that Boards of Canada's sound was hugely reminiscent of old science films--indeed, the band took their name from the Film Board of Canada, who produced and scored those kind of films--and combined with the imagery here, it's like a dream come true.

The video's first half features the surreal footage of Joe Kittinger making his record shattering jumps from high altitude. As he descends on a parachute, we switch to footage of surfer Laird Hamilton. Maybe it's just me, but I could easily imagine some droning voiceover talking about the science behind these things while the stoner kids in class wipe the drool from their chins and poke each other while saying "dude, the music...woah."

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